Report Setup - SST

The printed output properties are set in the Report Setup dialog. Settings for the print of the SST validation results are placed on a separate tab. The Print and On New Page checkboxes are described in the chapter "Report Setup".


To print validation results only disable all other tabs.

Report Setup - SST

SST Method Info

Adds the current SST method description to the printout - that means its name, date of last save, username of the author and a description.

Components Table

Adds the Component Table into the printout.

Parameters table

Adds the Parameters Table into the printout.


This section serves for the decision whether the print should contain All Selected components or Only Current component. The selected component is highlighted in the Component Table.


This section serves for the decision whether the print should contain All or Only Current signals of the validated chromatogram. The selected signal is highlighted in the header of the Component Table, in the Evaluate box.