Where to buy

You can use our worldwide network of partners to purchase our Clarity software and hardware products. If there is no distributor in your area, do not hesitate to contact us directly (sales@dataapex.com).

Clarity package
Validation Services
Contact person: Mr. Jan Volkers
Address: De Liesbosch 50, NL3439LC Nieuwegein, Netherlands
Tel: +31 88 467 8786
Electrochemistry (EC) instruments manufacturer
Address: Hoorn 131, Alphen a/d Rijn 2404 HH, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 172 268 888
CE manufacturer
Address: Waanderweg 62, 7812 HZ Emmen, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 591 629 184
Validation Services
Address: Veersedijk 59, LL Hendrik Ido Ambacht, NL - 3341
Tel: +31 78 682 0500
Exclusive solution for Hitachi Chromaster and Primaide HPLC systems
Address: Postbus 8198, 1005 AD Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tel: +31 020 4808 400