Upgrades to Clarity (Lite, Offline)
Clarity upgrades offer a solution for migration between various software versions produced by DataApex, including any obsolete version.
Overview Clarity Chromatography Software and find the path to the update that best suits your lab's needs. Once you upgrade to our latest product line of Clarity software, regular updates are available for free.

Upgrade from Clarity Lite to Clarity
Upgrade from Clarity Lite to Clarity full version is easy and quick. See the datasheet, which will guide you through the upgrade and data migration process. You will get a new license code after purchasing the upgrade.
All methods and measured data are compatible and allow you to seamlessly start analyses and use previous data.
See Clarity software comparison page to get an overview of the differences.
Clarity product page contains detailed information about the product, including hardware and software requirements.
Replacement of CSW17 or CSW32 by Clarity
Upgrading your old chromatography software to Clarity will bring you the latest features, including a large set of controlled laboratory instruments. Note we are providing support to all users registered on our web and using the latest Clarity Chromatography Station.
See the D024 datasheet for detailed information on why it is important to upgrade from CSW17 or CSW32 to Clarity.
Clarity product page contains detailed information about the product, including hardware and software requirements.
Replacement of CSW17 or CSW32 by Clarity Lite
Replacement of CSW17 or CSW32 by Clarity Lite is an economically advantageous variation of the upgrade.
Clarity Lite product page contains detailed information about the product, including hardware and software requirements.
Replacement of CSW17 Eval or CSW32 Eval by Clarity Offline
Clarity Offline is a version that allows the evaluation of data. This replacement is valuable for customers of the CSW17 Eval and CSW32 Eval chromatography stations.
Clarity Offline product page contains detailed information about the product, including hardware and software requirement.