Chromatogram window

  • The Chromatogram window can be opened also manually by clicking on the Chromatogram icon in the Instrument window.
  • Here you can evaluate your previously acquired data or open our sample chromatogram to get familiar with the basic functions which will be covered in this chapter.
  • Use the File - Open Chromatogram... command or click the open icon and select the Wine_Sample.prm file and press the OK button.
  • The Chromatogram window is divided into two parts: the Graph (upper) pane and the Results (lower) pane.
  • Magnify any part of the chromatogram by selecting the area while holding the left mouse button. Restore the entire chromatogram view by double-clicking in the graph.

The Chromatogram window

  • Clicking on a cell in the Result table will color the peak (or peaks when selecting multiple cells) corresponding to the row(s) you just selected.
  • Only one detector signal can be active at a time. The active signal can be identified in three ways: first, in the legend section at the upper right corner of the graph , where the active signal is displayed in bold text; second, in the Overlaytoolbar , where it is marked with a debossed icon ; and finally, by noting the color of the graph outline and table headers. Try to change the active signal by double clicking on its name in the legend section. You will notice that the Result table has changed.
  • To change the color of the active signal click on the desired color in the Overlay toolbar. All parts of the Chromatogram window will change color.
  • You can change the integration of peaks using the interactive icons on the toolbars on the left side of the Chromatogram window or directly in the Integration tab . Any changes made either way will change the Integration table and can be copied to the template method.
  • To add color to a peak permanently, click the View button in the right side of the Results tab. This will get you to the linked calibration file. There, in the Calibration Summary Table, find the Peak Color column (see Fig "The Calibration window - loaded standard".). In the row corresponding to the peak to be colored, select the desired color by clicking in the field and selecting the icon. Pick the desired color and click OK. You will be asked to save the changes upon closing the Calibration window. Return to the Chromatogram window by using the icon in the menu bar. The selected peak is now colored according to the color selected in the Calibration window.


After copying the Integration table contents to the template method, new chromatograms will be automatically integrated according to the changed parameters. Already measured results can be reprocessed (for more details see also chapter Linking the calibration to a method).