Add Named Group

Use the Calibration - Add Named Group command (or icon) to create a new named group in the Calibration Table. Named groups are used for summing the amounts of already calibrated peaks for the purposes of reporting grouped results. Invoking the command or icon opens the Edit Named Group dialog:

Edit Named Group

Select any number of peaks in Calibration Table to be included in the particular Named Group. Unlike for standard groups, a peak may be present in several Named Groups. All compounds from the Calibration Table are listed in the Edit Named Group in alphabetical order. To change the compounds included in the given Named Group, press the Edit… button in the Named Groups column of the Calibration Table on the appropriate row.

Named groups are identified by the compound name, which can be changed in the Calibration Table. Named groups also do not have any particular compound tab in the Calibration window as their purpose is only to sum the amounts of other calibrated peaks.

In the Result Table in the Chromatogram window, named groups are listed below the Total row (to emphasize their amounts are not calculated into the total).