
A submenu of commands for setting up the graph display.

Zoom Out Zooms out the current part of chromatogram. Also invoked by pressing - key on numeric keyboard.
Zoom In Zooms in the current part of chromatogram. Also invoked by pressing + key on numeric keyboard.
Previous Zoom Invoking the command, using the icon or the Ctrl + - shortcut on numeric keyboard displays the previous cut-out. Use the command repeatedly to browse backwards through the history of the cut-outs - the workstation remembers cut-outs which have been performed since the Data Acquisition window was opened.
Next Zoom Invoking the command, using the icon or the Ctrl + + shortcut on numeric keyboard progressively returns to original cut-outs, which had been abandoned using the Previous Zoom command. Use the command repeatedly to browse forwards through the history of the cut-outs. The workstation remembers cut-outs which have been performed since the Data Acquisition window was opened.
Unzoom Invoking this command, using the icon or Ctrl + * shortcut on numeric keyboard cancels all cut-outs and displays chromatogram in its original size.
Properties… Opens the Graph Properties dialog for displaying the graph display settings.