
Calibration Options - Defaults

Defines parameters that will be used for new compounds.

Calibration Options - Defaults


This section handles the defaults for the identification, such as parameters of Search Window or Peak Selection. These conditions are more closely described in the chapter "Calibration".

Search Window

Defines the default calculation type of both Left and Right identification window boundaries.Defines whether the Left Window and Right Window content will be inserted in Abs (absolute - set in minutes) or Rel (relative - set in percents of the Reten. Time) values.

Left (Right) Identification Window

Defines the width of the left (right) identification window (in minutes or percents).

Peak Selection

Defines how the target peak will be selected in a given identification window. The available options are the peak Nearest to the exact retention time set in the calibration, First peak in the identification window, Last peak in the identification window and the Biggest peak in the identification window.


The peaks that are identified must still follow the trend of rising retention times, so when two identification windows are selected so that they overlap each other, the first compound must define a peak with lower retention time than the second compound. Moreover, each peak in the calibration must be defined using a unique retention time.


This section handles the defaults for the quantification, or in other words how it will be quantified. These conditions are more closely described in the chapter "Calibration".

Response Base

Indicates the type of response used: Area, Height or Area Percent.

Curve Fit Type

Indicates the type of curve fitted to the data (for more details see also chapter Calibration).

Origin (Ending Point)

Defines the treatment of the origin point in the calibration graph (for more details see also chapter Calibration).

Weighting Method

Defines the weighting method of calibration points upon interlining of the curve (for more details see also chapter Calibration).

Linearization X

Defines the default X-axis display on the tabs of individual compounds. Possible values are None, 1/Amount, ln(Amount), sqrt(Amount), 1/sqrt(Amount), Amount^2, 1/Amount^2 and log(Amount).

Linearization Y

Defines the default Y-axis display on the tabs of individual compounds. Possible values are None, 1/Response, ln(Response), sqrt(Response), 1/sqrt(Response), Response^2, 1/Response^2 and log(Response).

Set All Now For Current Signal

Sets the selected parameters for all compounds in current calibration and current signal.


Pressing the Set All Now For Current Signal button is different from pressing the OK button, which will cause the use of set parameters for future signals and compounds.