
Commands for working with the clipboard and individual tables.

Undo Cancels the changes done in tables (Ctrl + Z).
Redo Reverts the last Undo command (Ctrl + Shift + Z).
Cut Moves the selected text to the clipboard (Ctrl + X).
Copy Copies the selected text to the clipboard (Ctrl + C).
Paste Pastes the clipboard content to the indicated place (Ctrl + V).
  Fill Down Copies the content of current cell to all cells bellow it or to selected range (Ctrl + F). Fill Down is disabled when multiple cells in the same row are selected or when the whole Calibration Summary Table is selected.
  Fill Series… Displays the Fill Series… dialog for filling up incremental values to all cells below it or to selected range. Fill Series is disabled on these columns: Search Window, Peak Selection, Peak Type, Is ISTD, Use ISTD, Peak Color, Response Base, Calculate By, Curve Fit Type, Origin, Weighting Method, Linearisation on X, Linearisation on Y or when the whole Calibration Summary Table is selected.
  Select All Selects all cells of the table (Ctrl + A).
  Restore Default columns Restores the default view of columns.
  Setup Columns… Using this command invokes the Setup Columns dialog, where you can set the display of columns.
  Hide Column(s) Hides selected columns. You can select columns by left-clicking the mouse over the column header, more columns can be selected while holding the Ctrl key.
  Show Hidden Column(s) Shows columns hidden by Hide Column(s) command or Setup Columns dialog.

Detailed description of the commands from the Edit menu can be found in the chapter "Edit".