
Commands for setting up the PDA Chromatogram window.

Toolbar Displays/hides all toolbars. The command is similar to the Toolbar command in the Clarity main window (for more details see also chapter View).
Customize Customizes the toolbars. The command is similar to the Customize... command in the Clarity main window (for more details see also chapter Customize…).
Reset All Restores all menus and toolbars in the PDA Chromatogram window to their default state.
Maximize View Maximizes selected view either in its own pane if it is already displayed or in the top left pane if it has been hidden so far.
Restore Views Restores the layout of the views (panes) in the PDA Chromatogram window to the state before the Maximize View command was used last time.
Two Vertical Panes Displays two vertical panes. When switching from four panes layout, views from left panes are displayed.
Two Horizontal Panes Displays two horizontal panes. When switching from four panes layout, views from top panes are displayed.
Four Panes Displays four panes.