NGA Results

In the NGA Results tab you can find the table containing result calculations for selected norm. Results are automatically recalculated each time you open or change the chromatogram or select different norm (or its parameters).

Chromatogram window - NGA Results

Results for Norm

Displays the information which norm the calculations are performed from.

Chromatogram Name

Displays the information what chromatogram is selected for the result calculations. It is helpful especially if you have opened multiple chromatograms in Overlay Mode.

Norm Table Signature Status

Information about the validity of the Norms Table file, where the data required for the calculations are saved. This file is provided by DataApex and is digitally signed. If somebody changes the Norm Table file, the signature will be no longer valid.


For any update request in the Norm Table, contact DataApex Support at

Result Calculations

Compound Links

Information about the peak detection in the Result Table (for more details see also chapter NGA Amounts). Those reported values may appear:

  • All OK: There are no errors and warnings in the NGA Results.
  • X Errors: The X is number of the unresolved Compound Names in the NGA Results.
  • X Warnings: The X is number of the compounds not found in Norms Table nor in the Link Table. Warning may occur if you have set detection of the same peak in more then one signal. For more details see also chapter Calibration.

Other rows in the table are respective to the selected norm

What properties are calculated in each norm you can find in the chapter "Specification".