
For each new sequence a calibration file with identical name (*.CAL) is created in the calibration subfolder (CALIB by default) of the current project.

This calibration will be based on the calibration template EATEMPLATE.CAL file stored in the ClarityCommon folder (C:\CLARITY\DataFiles\COMMON by default). Display and edit the calibration in the Calibration window.


The values in the calibration template created during installation for the Retention Times, Identification Windows, determined elements, calibration curve fits and calibration/recalibration options will have to be adjusted to meet your system performance and your preferences.

The retention times need to be set according to your actual standard - they will differ according to the instrument type and conditions used. The Identification Windows should be set wide enough to accommodate the differences in retention times for different element amounts.

The dominant peak (usually carbon) type can be set to Refer, the identification windows for other peaks will be shifted accordingly.

Linear Curve Fit Type will usually be used with Area as Response Base. The Origin (zero handling) should be selected according to the spread of the calibration points:

  • Curve passes through Origin should be selected when one standard with uniform sample amounts is used.
  • Ignore Origin or Compute with Origin should be selected if Blank runs are made or the calibration points are spread enough to compute Y axis intercept.