Recalibrating a calibration

You can modify an existing calibration by reloading peaks within one specific level using the option Recalibrate.

  1. Open the Calibration window: choose Window - Calibration on the Instrument window or click .

  1. Open the calibration file: choose File - Open… or click .
  2. Open the calibration standard with which you want to recalibrate: select File - Open Standard… or click .
  3. Open the Calibration Options dialog: choose Calibration - Options… or click .

  1. Set the Calibration option to Automatic to add the peaks without modification or to Manual to modify them one by one .
  2. Set the Mode to Recalibration .
  3. Select how and whether the new values will be added in the Calibration Options dialog.
    • Choose Replace or Average option to decide what to do with new response values .
    • Recalibration Search Criteria defines how much the original and new values can differ for the recalibration to be performed .
  4. Select the Level you wish to recalibrate .
  5. Add peaks to be recalibrated from the calibration standard to the calibration file on the Calibration window using Calibration - Add Existing or clicking on .
  6. If you selected Manual calibration:
    • Fill in any parameters related to the peak in the Calibration - Add All window. This window will open once for each one of the peaks processed.

  1. Save the calibration file: choose File - Save or click on .