Computer installation

The requirements in the hardware configuration of the computer system change with the continuing development of Clarity. The version specific requirements may be found in the D016-Clarity-Compatibility-Table datasheet (which is saved on the Clarity installation USB) or are available on the DataApex website.

To be able to work in a regulated environment, an operating system which supports file access restrictions based on individual user accounts is also needed. Take care in selecting the system, as some modifications of various operating systems don't support this function; for example Microsoft Windows 7 Home doesn't allow personalized file access restrictions, while Microsoft Windows 7 Professional does. Operating systems supporting the regulated environment in Clarity are:

  • Microsoft Windows 7 - Professional, Ultimate*
  • Microsoft Windows 8.1 - Pro, Enterprise*
  • Microsoft Windows 10 - Pro, Enterprise*
  • Microsoft Windows 11 - Pro, Enterprise*

* the systems marked with an asterisk support personalized file access, but have not been tested with Clarity


All setup/installation procedures following this note are described for Window 11 Pro. Procedure is similar on other operating systems, but there might be slight differences.

During the computer installation, follow the these steps (if possible):

  • Install the operating system on the computer.
  • Install the available service packs and updates for the operating system.
  • Set the user accounts that will be needed on the computer (for more details see the chapter "Computer User Rights").
  • Install any other software required on the computer, along with its service packs and updates.
  • Install Clarity (see the chapter "Installing Clarity").