Tour through the Clarity station

The following two sections will show you, step by step, the process of performing a single analysis (the chapter "Running the Single Analysis") and sequence measurement (the chapter "Running the Sequence measurement"). These chapters are shown as a succession of steps, from which all should be performed in the given order. Some sections may be skipped, as we prepared their output for you to be used later. You will be notified of such sections. Also, the whole process presents Notes - the procedures described in them are optional and you don’t need to perform them in order to reach the goal.

The Clarity software is intuitive and easy to master even without excessive training. The first analysis can be run in less than one minute after installing the station and configuring the hardware.

This tour is primarily designed for the users who installed the Clarity Demo version.


Although this is only a tour of the station aimed at beginners with Clarity, it assumes users have basic knowledge specific to chromatography principles and basic processes such as calibration.


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