Add All
Adds or updates all peaks and groups from the calibration standard into the calibration. Updating refers to recalibration or calibration on further levels. Unlike the Add Existing command, the Add All command will also add new compounds to the calibration during an update.
When using a multi-signal standard, the command is governed by the On All Signals / On Active Signal option.
In the Calibration Summary Table, peaks are searched for according to retention time and identification windows. Groups are identified by a letter.
Dependence on type and method of calibration:
- When using Automatic Calibration, all compounds will be brought into the first available calibration file without regard to the current level.
- When using Automatic Recalibration, compounds are recalibrated on the current level. Further adjustments and supplements to the data can be performed later at any time.
- When using Manual Calibration or Recalibration, the (Re)Calibrate Peak or (Re)Calibrate Group dialog will be displayed for direct checking and amendment of data for each compound.
- When using On All Signals or On Active Signal, all peaks are either added on all signals or only on the active signal into the Calibration Summary Table.
If you hide the part of the Calibration window with the calibration standard, for example by reducing the Calibration window or enlarging the Compound Summary Table, the Add All command will not be active.