
Displays the version number and date of the release, serial number and other system information.

Clarity tab

Displays the name of the release followed by its topical number in the format W.X.Y.Z followed by the date when the Build was compiled. The S/N abbreviation prefaces the serial number of your station such as 011-123456.

What's new tab

The tab shows the contents of the WHATSNEW.TXT text file from the installation directory of the Clarity station (C:\CLARITY\Documentation by default). The file contains a chronological list of all changes made in each new version of the station.

Readme tab

Displays a brief description of the station.

System Files tab

The tab shows the contents of the IQ.HTML text file from the installation directory of the Clarity station (C:\CLARITY\Bin by default). This file presents fundamental information about both the station and the computer and is updated each time the station is run. If you encounter any problems, send the file to your vendor or directly to DataApex. This tab also displays the number of Instruments allowed, purchased extensions and lists available control modules.

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