Creating and filling your own library

Library can be managed either from the menu Library or using the toolbar which is shown below:

PDA library toolbar

  • To create a new library click the New Library button.
  • To open existing spectral library click the Open Library button and choose your desired library.
  • Adding a spectrum into the library is done by clicking the Add Spectrum button which opens Spectrum Property. In the dialog you can specify compound name and additional comment.
  • To add all identified peaks in the chromatogram at once, click the command from the menu Spectrum - Add All Identified Peaks.


Identified peaks are those that correspond to peaks identified and named in the calibration file. Peaks are added into the currently opened library.

  • If you have made any changes in the library and you want to keep them, click the Save Library button.
  • To close a library use the Close Library button. If you have unsaved changes you will be prompted to either save the changes or discard them.