
This menu serves for creating and editing Spectral Libraries.


The Spectrum Search is performed in libraries specified in the Spectral Library Search Options dialog available by the Spectrum - Search in Library... command.

New Creates a new empty spectral library (Ctrl + Alt + N).
Open… Opens the spectral library file (Ctrl + Alt + O).
Save Saves spectral library (Ctrl + Alt + S).
  Save As… Saves spectral library under a different name (Ctrl + Shift + S).
Options… Displays the Spectral Library Options dialog. For more details see the description below the menu.
Close Closes the spectral library (Ctrl + Alt + W).



The Spectral Library Options dialog defines whether the Spectral Library should use the background correction (Use Background Correction) and enables to save a Description of the library.

Spectral Library Options


Use the background correction consistently, either always and everywhere ON or always OFF to gain repeatable data.

Use Background Correction

The baseline (background) for individual wavelengths is interpolated between peak start and peak end points. With the Use Background Correction checked, the spectra are measured against this surface.


Stores the description of the Spectral Library.